By Mubariz Rahimli
Analyzing position of freedom of speech in Azerbaijan after disintegration of the USSR and getting the independence, it is possible to estimate those challenges which are met by modern journalism and Mass Media and also to estimate the state of freedom of speech in the whole world and in the region.
Everywhere in the world journalism is considered to be an important link of society which greatly influences on forming public opinion, development of democracy and not by chance considered to be the fourth power. At the same time journalism is considered to be one of the most dangerous professions, as it is especially observed in developing countries with young democracy. Today independent Mass Media and journalists literally are on a cutting edge, among those, who mostly suffers from helplessness of governments of different countries and weakness of democracy.
Only for past 10 years the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) fixed more than 1300 lost journalists and employees of Mass Media.
Years 2005 and 2006 put some sort of record by the most number of killed journalists, and year 2007 is also marked with the highest indexes (160 deaths). Many of these murders still remain unpunished. More than 90 % of cases of all murders are not revealed by reason of incompetence of official authorities or political indifference.
There can be no development of journalism wherein it is intimidated by authorities which are creating the atmosphere of fear and pressure, doing independent journalism almost impossible. As between Mass Media and authorities of Azerbaijan there is serious tension which renders the negative affecting on independent press and doesn’t let it to develop.
According to general secretary of IFJ Aidan White, the point is not only that Azerbaijan is the first country in the region on the number of the arrested journalists. Journalism suffers from the mode of laws which undermines the principle of freedom of speech fixed in the national Azerbaijani constitution. And at the same time political establishment in most cases shows minimum acquaintance with principles of pluralism in democratic society.
Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict around Nagorny Karabakh which lasts already not for the first year gave up long shade on political and civil life of the country. The role of Mass Media is extraordinarily important in this case — they are the one who can become a nourishing environment for bringing up the pluralism, democracy and tolerance.
In this material there are taken into consideration the reports of international and local organizations in the area of defense of free word. We will endeavor journalists, and also active members of public of Azerbaijan to study present state of Mass Media in the country, to find out the reasons which badly influence on its development and to find the way out from the situation.
Emerging independent mass media, changing laws and economic conditions
Emergence of new non-communistic press in the country, creation of young Azerbaijani journalism, can be regarded to the end of 1980th years. In 1989 the editor dissident Najaf Najafov had created the first oppositional newspaper "Azadlyg" which was published with daily circulation in 2000 copies. From that time in the country the newspaper boom has begun, and in the subsequent year hundreds of newspapers have been registered. With coming to power in 1992 the Popular front of Azerbaijan (PFA) the first law on mass-media which declared the rights to freedom of speech and media has been passed that regulated the activity of mass-media. In 1993-1995 under the government of Heydar Aliyev the economic situation of free media had steadily worsened. The price increase for paper in six times had raised the printing service expenses. The majority of editorial offices have endured financial crisis.
The struggle of the media for the sake of the rights which had widely started in 1994 led to establishment of the first journalist organizations. Among pioneers there were «Yeni Nesil» (New generation), "Ruh" and Baku press club. During the same time there have emerged yellow pages in the local media market. In the country there had been registered more than 600 newspapers and journals. In the meantime critical publications in mass-media against the authorities were censored. A special taboo was imposed on criticism of the president and his family. This period also is characterized with administrative closure of newspapers, arrests of journalists and physical pressure on them. The mass-media sharply criticizing the government were sentenced to large fines. For this purpose first of all the articles 47 and 48 of the Criminal code about honor and dignity protection were used. It is remarkable that no one of the litigations was finished in favor of media. The monopoly over the sale of newspapers has passed to a state-owned firm «GASID». From private companies only "Gaya" has survived, but its capacity has been severely restricted. As a result, in 2001 circulation of newspapers has decreased at 8-10 times. The international organizations started to focus more on the economic aspect of a problem of development of the Azerbaijani media. An explicit, direct proportional interrelation between two processes over the last 10 years was observed: slash of incomes of the press from advertising market and sales on the one hand, both moral-professional and qualitative recourse of journalistic community and editions on the other hand.
In 1998 under the pressure of the international community in Azerbaijan censorship has been cancelled. The corresponding law was annulled by the decree of the late President H.Aliyev. After that the authorities have decided to carry out the control over the press through courts and economic levers. Since 2000 the situation with a freedom of speech, functioning of independent and oppositional mass-media began to worsen and that has been recorded in numerous reports of OSCE, Council of Europe, and also human rights organizations. Such policy has led to following consequences:
- The number of independent mass-media was sharply reduced;
- The press has turned to be a tool of rigid political strike;
- Ethical principles have undergone to serious erosion;
- Process of formation of a free, objective and independent press was broken;
- Pressure on the authorities by the international organizations has amplified.
According to the director of "Turan" news agency Mehman Aliyev disappearance of advertisements from newspapers, price increase of printing services and press distribution has led to very pitiable position of mass-media. «It was not casual. Thus, the authorities tried to intimidate the press, to enter self-censorship and widely to extend it. On the other hand they wanted to put mass media under the control. Since 2003 the situation became worst. It is even visible on the statistics: the number of the hackneyed and seized journalists has increased, particularly in 2007-2008 we reached the record level. 10 journalists have been seized, the large quantity of litigations is recorded. As the result I consider that the large part of mass-media to be under the control today», said Mehman Aliyev.
He says that many newspapers cannot financially supply themselves. According to him the volume of the advertising market is very small, which is all about 2 million dollars, and even less. Circulation of newspapers is very low, approximately within 2-3 thousand. Besides, the government and judicial pressure have led to many mass-media tools have been forced to go on the consent with the authorities. «Today overwhelming majority of newspapers are financed from private sources. We know that in these conditions the newspapers cannot exist without external support. They cannot live by income through circulation,» underlined Mehman Aliyev.
It is worldwide accepted norm that the indicator of economically safe and free development of mass-media, and also free economy is the volume of the media advertisement market of in gross national product of the country which should constitute more than 1 %. This indicator in Azerbaijan is equal to 0,083 % which testifies that the Azerbaijan mass-media are in a deep economic knock-out and the state "support" is not capable to drive them out of this condition. It is necessary to notice also that the press share in the advertising market in all free countries constitutes 30-50 %. In Azerbaijan this indicator is not above 10 %. Thus, the volume of the advertising market of printing editions does not exceed $2 million. On this indicator, our press much more lags behind 3 Baltic States which are with the general population of 7 million persons, have as a whole the advertising market of the press in volume $400 million. If to consider that in 2007 gross national product volume in Azerbaijan has constituted $30 billion the volume of media advertisement on the international norms should constitute not less than 300 million dollars. Hardly in such situation would our newspapers require tips from separate government officials or the authorities as a whole.
In 2001 after a meeting of representatives of mass-media with Heydar Aliyev where the problems of media were discussed, the press has received certain privileges, debts of newspapers to publishing house have been liquidated and credits have been allocated. The last past time has shown that these privileges did not promote the improvement of the economic situation of the press, concluded Mehman Aliyev.
The chief of Media Rights Institute Rashid Hajily considers that if to characterize position of media, first of all it is necessary to pay attention to situation of media industry as a whole. Also, as he said, it is possible to speak about the legal situation of mass-media that is how much the press is free and how much it is limited to legal frameworks. Here as it is possible to pertain availability of information to journalists. «Our media industry is very weak. For newspapers the big problem is about circulation, and in Azerbaijan newspapers do not cover even 5-6 % of all population. The quantity of television channels is not enough. In regions there are not enough local television channels, and regional radio practically does not exist. That is, if in some regions there are some local TV channels, but radio in general does not function. Nakhchivan is the only exception. And in comparison with other countries the quantity of employees in journalism constitutes small percent,» considers Hajily.
The chief of Media Rights Institute says that the written laws meet the international requirements in general, so, from the legal side all look satisfactory on the papers. But in practice all is different. In practice we see that implementation of these laws happens with other methods. If in the developed countries the law and its implementation mean as a single whole, but in our reality they are different concepts. In reality these laws do not function. For example, the National board on television and radio broadcasting, the Ministry of Communication and the Information technologies apply rules, and courts make decisions on defamation which contradict all laws and the obligations, taken by Azerbaijan before the international organizations, said Hajily.
Government pressure
Dozens of government officials, opposition politicians and journalists arrested in November, 2005 on the case of government overthrow, were kept in pretrial detention expecting court trial. As marks Human Rights Watch in its report of 2007 year, concerning journalist cases violence and arrests took place, officials filed numerous cases to the court about an honor and dignity protection.
On the eve of November parliamentary elections in 2005 with charge of preparation to government overthrow dozens high-ranking officials, businessmen and opposition politicians have been seized. Many complained about serious problems with health conditions, which have been deteriorated because of a condition in prisons. The vice-president of oppositional Democratic Party of Azerbaijan Natig Efendiev was sentenced for 5 years imprisonment for illegal storage of weapon after which the accusation of preparation to coup d’etat was removed from the official accusation. The former minister of economic development Farhad Aliyev has appealed against his arrest, long custody and other infringements in the European Court of Human Rights.
Among arrested persons there were three active representatives of the youth organization «Yeni fikir» (New thought) which have been convicted on accusation of preparation to coup d’etat with the money of the Armenian special services (the chief of group Ruslan Bashirli and his deputies Ramin Taghiev, the activist of the movement Said Nuri).
The journalists in particular connected with oppositional editions, faced violence and criminal prosecution. In March the correspondent of the independent newspaper "Azadlyg" Fikret Huseynli was attacked by unknown persons: has been severely beaten and got strike by knife. The managing editor of the opposition newspaper «Bizim yоl» (Our way) and the vice-president of Popular front party of Azerbaijan (PFPA) Bahaddin Haziyev, who previously was required to stop criticism of the government was attacked in May by unknown people. In July the correspondent of "Ayna-Zerkalo" (Mirror) daily and Institute of War and Peace Reporting of Idrak Abbasov has faced oppressions and threats by police and officials from whom have been withdrawn the laptop and the tape recorder when he prepared a material about the destroying house in the Baku district of Binagadi.
On June, 23rd the journalist and the satirist from the newspaper "Azadlyg" Sakit Zahidov (Mirza Sakit) have been detained on accusation of drug adduction. Mirza Sakit was well-known with his columns and critical verses about President Ilham Aliyev and corruption in the country. Besides, three chief editors on the cases of slander and insult of honor and dignity of the official have been deprived of liberty. On October 1st the publishing of three large editions was stopped which editor-in-chief of Eynulla Fatullayev shortly before it has been condemned for slander in connection with the publication of articles in which it was told about financial communications of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ramil Usubov with Haji Mamedov – the former high-ranking employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who has appeared under court under accusation for the organizing criminal group.
Haji Mamedov has confessed on July, 25th in murder of the editor-in-chief of the "Monitor" journal Elmar Huseynov in 2005 even though he was not suspected on this case. Mamedov declared that Farhad Aliyev, the former minister of economic development had ordered the murder. Later on it was approved that all these were a part of fabricated accusation against Farhad Aliyev with political motives.
The director of "Turan" news agency Mehman Aliyev considers that in murder of Elmar Huseynov there was an attempt of destabilization of situation in the country. As he said after death of Heydar Aliyev in the power a desperate race for power was developed. «When the question of continuity of the power was raised even when Heydar Aliyev was alive, a certain part of people in the power were against Ilham Aliyev. It is no casual in 2002 the referendum according to which the prime minister became the second person in the state has been held. Later Sirus Tebrizli (the deputy of Heydar Aliev in «Yeni Azerbaijan» party) admitted a consignment in 2002 that after parliamentary elections of 2000 on meeting at the president he has told that Ilham Aliyev cannot be a leader it will put us in a swamp. Such a stand took place too,» considers Mehman Aliyev.
According to Mehman Aliyev journalists have been actively involved in this situation from what they have suffered. «We take, for example, Eynulla Fatullayev who published a lot of information compromising this or that party in mass-media. In this case journalists want it or not, put their life under threat, including the edition, especially those who were active in this sense. "The monitor" and "Real Azerbaijan" were active in this direction. Therefore all these arrests were not casual», told Mehman Aliyev.
Subsequently murder of Elmar Huseynov was investigated as local legal bodies, as by foreign special services. In particular, employees of FBI and Turkish special services have been connected to investigation. Unfortunately, despite all promises by the authorities in the shortest period of time to find murderers, until now searches have not crowned successes. According to Mehman Aliyev Turkish special services know, who has ordered and committed this crime. «They have declared that we know, who has made it, and announcement of their names of the public, I consider time business. In my opinion, it is connected with any very serious temporary compromise. Probably, the parties which are involved in it have decided not to aggravate a situation», noted Aliyev. In his opinion, the consent of the international forces, with the people who have committed a crime is reached not to destabilize up to the end the situation.
The deputy of the ruling «Yeni Azerbaijan» (New Azerbaijan) party, the deputy of parliament (Milli Majlis) of Mubariz Gurbanly says that after murder of Elmar Huseynov, New Azerbaijan party has issued a special statement in which it was mentioned that murder of the journalist is first of all a blow hit on the Azerbaijan statehood. As he said those who shot in Elmar Huseynov attempted the freedom of speech in Azerbaijan. «The president has personally made a statement and has required responsible state structures in a prompt time to find and punish parties who was involved in this crime. The Azerbaijan government is most interested in disclosure of this murder. I am assured that, the people who have committed this crime, pursued the aim to destabilize the situation in the country, to make impression about pressure on the press and to spoil the image of Azerbaijan in the world,» said Gurbanly. He also has told that to open custom-made murder very difficult and in the world there are many precedents which did not manage to be revealed till now.
According to political scientist Ilgar Mamedov murder of Elmar Huseynov is an attempt to the freedom of speech in Azerbaijan. «This murder, undoubtedly, was in favor of Azerbaijani authorities. After murder of Huseynov, many have made silent. People have been intimidated, and the government became even more confident with the actions on suppression of the freedom of speech,» said Mamedov.
Mamedov approves that personally the president Ilham Aliyev is not interested in disclosure of this murder.
The authorities in Azerbaijan are strong enough to pay no heed to international pressure to improve media situation. As Fuad Hasanov of Democracy Monitor, an NGO in Azerbaijan, told Index on Censorship, «Azerbaijan’s emerging role as one of the major oil suppliers has given President Ilham Aliyev and his government the confidence to do as he pleases and to assure themselves that no one outspoken is left in the country.»
According to the chief of Media Rights Institute Rashid Hajily, one more problem of the Azerbaijani press is connected with cultural aspect. Here first of all it is necessary to pay attention to cultural indicators in the power. Whether the power and company as a whole is ready to concern criticism of mass-media tolerantly? Journalists also should not leave a space to insults in their critical articles. According to Hajily if to compare present situation to one which was 5-10 years ago, the weight of critical media has fallen almost in 10 times.
Other problem is the bias of mass-media. Rashid Hajily considers that the official newspaper "Azerbaijan" has big problems. But nobody pursues their journalists, they are not exposed to physical pressure. The state pays them for praise the government. It is very pitiable fact, says Hajily. «When we speak about ethical principles of media, we don’t mean only interdiction for insults. A major principle in that the press to be objective, fair and balanced. Whether the newspaper «Azerbaijan» is that?», he asks a question.
According to the deputy of NAP Mubariz Gurbanly Azerbaijan - a democratic state where all conditions for development of the independent press are created. Among the serious steps undertaken for development of mass-media in the country, he marks liquidation of censorship by Heydar Aliyev, adoption in Milli Mejlis of laws on a press and access to information.
In the beginning of 2009 at the initiative of the deputy of parliament Mehriban Aliyeva (the wife of the president) at meeting of the permanent parliamentary commission on the state building and the policy of law the bill about amnesty has been considered. The chairman of commission Ali Huseynov has reminded that the project is dated for a holiday of Novruz and has been brought into discussion at the parliament on March, 17th this year.
In the places of confinement a situation terrifying, prisoners are degraded and exposed to tortures, the bribery prospers. It was declared by the employee of the newspaper "Azadlyg", poet-satirist Mirza Sakit (Sakit Zahidov) who has spent three years in imprisonment and got released on April 9th, 2009.
«The dirty policy of the authorities has failed. It is visible from the latest statements of some the reliable international organizations, as well as the Council of Europe and US State department. My arrest has not brought success to the authorities, but they will continue the efforts. When I heard that amnesty will apply to several journalists was delighted. But, having seen that unknown people were released under amnesty I felt myself insulted. Besides, to amnesty me 2 months prior to the term termination, was, at least, injustice. In the same day I wrote a statement of refusal from amnesty where noticed that I do not require humanism from heydarizm», said Zahidov.
Problem is that the press in the country is much politicized. It reflects interests of this or that political force, political parties, considers deputy NAP Gurbanly. For example, the Azerbaijan TV (Az Tv) directly is under the state control. Despite it, vice-president NAP says that such organizations like Press Council tracing activity of the press and National board on television and radio broadcasting, mass-media oversee non-biasness in these and promote their professional development.
«At the same time, freedom of press does not mean that it can interfere with personal privacy of people. The American writer of XIX century Mark Twain spoke: «We have got liberty of the press in America, but could not ensure protection of free people against press attacks yet». I consider that, the press should not interfere with personal privacy of people, of course, it does not concern political life and political activity,» said Gurbanly.
According to Rashid Hajily if mass-media are supervised by the state, there will be no critical materials about the policy carried out by the authorities. The same tendency can be observed in oppositional mass-media. That is, if you work in the newspaper which is close to this or that party you will not be allowed to publish the critique about this party, marks Hajily.
Ownership and financial sources
In Azerbaijan, it is also difficult to find out, from which source mass-media are financed, it happens secretly. According to Hajily, the reason for that is that media cannot earn normally and they are forced to search illegal sources of incomes to exist. «All it reaches us at level of rumors in the absence of a transparency. We do not know who the official owners of the channels in Azerbaijan are? But in rumors we learn that this or that owner owns this or that TV. We take Khazar TV. Officially it belongs to the employee of the International press centre. Actually, we know that it is not true. Under the law they have been forced to indicate someone on a paper. At many television channels even on a paper holders are not indicated,» said Hajily.
Mehman Aliyev considers that for independence and a transparency of mass-media first of all it is necessary to create economic basis. That is mass-media should have access possibility to independent financial sources, and it can be only advertisement. As he said, to raise the press it is necessary 50-100 million manats in a year at least and if so, there will be a qualitative independent press. «In order to make it there should be a liberal, free economy, instead of exclusive and closed, that is, these all are interconnected. At such a situation in which we are today, that policy and vision at the situation, of course it is not real in the nearest couple of years. In the future, I think, it is inevitable in the future. Because, Azerbaijan is the constituent of the European space. And the new policy of east partnership (the European Union) will move us further away», said Mehman Aliyev.
The deputy of NAP Mubariz Gurbanly sees the situation a little differently. As he said in any country the press cannot defray completely the costs. «The press should self-finance at the expense of advertising, and the profit received from it should defray its costs and promote development. But in Azerbaijan the market of advertising is very limited. Today in media market of Azerbaijan there are sufficient number of mass-media means so consequently not everyone can find for itself a place in the media market,» said Gurbanly.
According to political scientist Ilgar Mamedov today Azerbaijan is less free country in respect of freedom of speech than it was 10 years ago. He considers that the freedom of speech is choked as economic and political, also with physical methods. But the main problem which limits freedom of the press is existing economic levers of pressure as he said. «In those mass-media which potentially could be free to business it is not authorised to place advertising. And consequently, they economically suffer. Besides, the general political atmosphere and plus separately, from time to time carried out shares of physical pressure against the most free journalists, keep the bad results. And as a result of it we see degradation of a situation with a freedom of speech in Azerbaijan, which end is unknown», noted Mamedov.
Political scientist Ilgar Mamedov supports the international criticism of the Azerbaijan government policy in the area of freedom of speech. In his opinion, it does not tolerate any criticism; it is simply frank repressive policy. And the justification of the authorities about the formed situation in his opinion is completely deprived of logic, sense and is obviously unscrupulous. According to him, one more reason of bias of the Azerbaijan press, it so to say its party affiliation, that is certain mass-media are very closely related or are information bodies of those or other political parties. Ilgar Mamedov asks a question, whence to undertake non-party media, if there is no entrepreneurial business freedom, the business will be there and then influence if to place advertising in one of non-governmental editions. Naturally, in such situation when it is impossible to publish advertising there where it would be desirable and there is a similar division. «I would not tell that it is bad, as ensures though any pluralism of opinion. Another matter is that quantity of mass-media which enter from oppositional items, give the chance to express the oppositional figure. But they are reduced every year, and practically are now in a minimum,» said Mamedov.
At the same time, he considers that the same mass-media which we often name oppositional, just and discredit oppositional political activity. More often they are adhered to the corrupted political parties and accordingly play against the freedom of speech, democracy than for democracy. However the reason of it, according to Mamedov, is absence of free climate for entrepreneurial business. The political scientist considers that division of newspapers on oppositional and governmental is not desirable. «In any case it is hardly better, than to have a one-party press. All the same, if in Azerbaijan the situation with business was better, we could have an independent mass-media», noted Mamedov.
According to Human Rights Watch report for 2007 the Public television channel of Azerbaijan broadcasting since August, 2005 according to recommendations of the Council of Europe practically did not differ from pro-governmental, and could be liquidated in case of too obvious criticism of the authorities. In June rather independent television channel "АNS" has faced arrests of several employees and tax inspection. According to the organization it pursued the aim to affect the editorial policy of the channel. In November, 2007 from the jointly leased building along the street Khagani, 33 on a court decision have been expelled PFPA and the newspapers "Azadlyg" connected with it and "Bizim Jol". Also, the independent news agency "Turan" was ejected from this building. Besides, the National Board on Television and Radio broadcasting has refused extension of the license of television channel "ANS" at that time.
According to the director of news agency "Turan", towards agency always there was a double attitude. «One party in the power was respectful, because "Turan" has reached recognitions on international scene, had information influence, was a channel of information or received the information from abroad which was interesting to the country. As is, which are adjusted absolutely aggressively and negatively», believes Aliyev. «This an ambiguous item helped "Turan" to leave various situations. There was no jointly unequivocal decision – to destroy agency. In this case a situation would develop absolutely in another way», told Aliyev. Mehman Aliyev says that separate persons always wished to buy up the agency. When H. Aliyev came to power several times different posts at the government have been offered to Mehman Aliyev. «I in general wished to be always independent. I always considered, as now I consider that Azerbaijan should have the independent information source. It is important for the country, and for those who represent the government is too important. And consequently I stand on this item. That is, I defend that the independent press is necessary to Azerbaijan, it is vital and within interests of national security», said Aliyev.
According to Ilgar Mamedov it is necessary to increase the salary of journalists for development of press to involve the most prepared professionals. Because many talented people who could work potentially in journalism develop the Azerbaijan word, the Azerbaijan thought, are out of journalism. If there was a good competitive environment for journalistic activity the best minds there would work, and accordingly, professional level would increase, says Mamedov. «To increase present level of journalists is useless. Because, as soon as they increase the professional level the outlook pass in other sphere of activity. They become necessary in other spheres, and choose more paid sector. And unprepared people come on their place again. All is connected with the economic situation in journalism», told Mamedov.
Mehman Aliyev also considers professional level in the journalistic environment weak. As he said it is promoted by a number of the reasons. High schools produce weak experts, the newspaper school is weak, in editions there are small quantity of workers, to fill in the newspaper pages they require fast prepared materials from employees, and it reduces quality of publications a little. According to Aliyev, those projects, which international organizations use on increase of professional level of journalists – a different kind trainings and seminars - are not effective. «If to look, over the last 10 years many money is spent for it, but qualitatively serious changes have not occurred. It shows that programs are not correctly enough focused, and it is necessary to reconstruct this system. But I consider that at correct construction of system it is possible to create structure which could make modern journalists», noted Aliyev.
According to deputy NAP, deputy of Milli Mejlis M.Gurbanly, the international journalistic organizations, also Human Rights Watch periodically prepare reports about pressure on mass-media and the freedom of speech. If to pay special attention on it there is no such country which would not be criticized. Even the most developed countries – the USA, Great Britain, Turkey and others are criticized in these reports, he says.
«The press and society is very serious things, and not all can remain happy with work of mass-media. If to compare the situation with the freedom of speech and press in Azerbaijan with other countries the situation is as same as in the developed states of the world. We do not have restrictions on the publication and press distribution, there is no pressure, in any form. But there are cases when because of abusing of freedom of speech the concrete person appeals to court and the international organizations include in the reports and issue as an example of pressure on mass-media», noted Gurbanly. Giving an example, he asks - oppositional newspapers or others write about whom that the article referred to garbled information slander that person. What should this person do? He is forced to address to court. «Therefore, I consider that some data indicated in these reports is based on the deformed information, and are subjective. I consider that in Azerbaijan the freedom of speech and the press is completely ensured, and the state makes efforts for its development», he is assured.
The head of Institute of the rights of media of Rashid Hajily says that in Azerbaijan there is also a state approach to journalism and the freedom of speech. If beat the journalist, they say that let him behaves well, and nobody will beat him. It is the official policy of the government, marks Hajily. «Actually the journalist is the brave person who speaks about those things about which the ordinary person holds back. The ordinary person is afraid of to complain about the problems, and the journalist about all these problems writes and many also read it. If the journalist does not do that, the society will not develop», said Hajili.
According to Rashid Hajily the society itself is guilty in the existing circumstances, and with only one change of the government to achieve cardinal changes is difficult. If we aspire to democratic values, we will hold free and fair elections, we will create free economy, we can ensure human rights then we will have also a free press.
Conclusion (result)
Today to be independent is a great luxury. Political priorities declared by Azerbaijan have political color - democracy, cooperation with CE, EU and NATO. But one of main problems in Azerbaijan is in the sphere of freedom of speech.
In the annual report of the U.S. Department of State: "Azerbaijan. Report on promotion of freedom and democracy -2008" it was noted that indices in the sphere of human rights are still at low level, and in 2007 worsening was observed in some spheres.
The government restricted the right of society to change legislative power during parliamentary elections in 2005, despite some improvement in certain spheres, repeated elections in 2006 in 10 election constituencies. Tortures and beating of detained caused death of four people in 2007, and law enforcement bodies have not punished the perpetrators yet.
Referring to our researches we see that over the past years the freedom of speech has been restricted regularly; it touched mainly journalists giving coverage on corruption, misuse of power, as well as socio-economic problems.
Economic state of mass media is another factor of its dependence on external forces. Most of media has to live on state donations and depends on “non-transparent “financial flow. In most cases it causes dependence of press on certain forces, and it becomes impossible to call it independent. It must be noted that some media are used to such existing. The perspective to be fully independent and to loose their financial sources (economic and political) is not attractive. For the improvement of the folded situation, the press must be kept away from politics, and authorities and political parties must not interfere with the work of the press.
Azerbaijan’s authorities do not pay enough attention to the adoption of the law on defamation which, in accordance with international standards and obligations, could eliminate criminal persecution of journalists. Unfortunately, today, because of the absence of such a law most journalists are afraid and do not dare to write critical articles about socio-political situation in our country.
To get out of such situation it is necessary to make some important steps for development of civil society in Azerbaijan. Civil freedom and rights must be included the prior vector of state control. To improve the situation press should distance from politics, and authorities and political parties should not interfere with the work of press. Concerning of free access to information, we have more or less independent press, but we also have a censorship, and it is fact which must be admitted. Though availability of Internet, e-mail and almost independent press are indices of open society, it is too early to speak about absolute freedom in Azerbaijan.
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